Computer radiation is very harmful to the skin and general health because when we sit directly in front of the computer screen for long periods, we absorb the radiation emitted. Addressing this issue is very important. Computer radiation results in a sick feeling and even burns your skin and since most employees within the computing industry are not aware of this, they continue to suffer with ill health.
A laptop or LCD does not exclude you from the negative affects of computer radiation because all computer monitors emit some level of radiation, some less than others. Laptops and LCD monitors may emit less radiation than the CRT monitors, but they emit enough radiation to affect health and appearance.
A healthy solution is the computer accessory called a radiation filter. This product is designed to eliminate up to 99% of the harmful radiation emitted. Radiation filters are available for all types and sizes of computer monitors.
It is also advisable to move the CPU (central processing unit) as far away from your body as possible. This will reduce the chances of the radiation to reach you and harm your body. The negative health effects of computer radiation are a part of extensive study today. There is much research being conducted on the health hazards, but the influence of the industry is so great that many simply avoid the subject.
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